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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

15Th Annual Fuels & Lubes Asia Conference

This year conference theme is "The New Energy Crisis:  Meeting Today's Fuel and Lubes Challenges in the Asia-Pacific Region.  This annual event is where buyers and suppliers meet every year.  It is said that this conference " is a cost effective way to keep informed and stay connected."

For more information you can visit the following:

Sunday, January 11, 2009

ICIS World Base Oils & Lubricants Conference

The following text is ICIS's Welcome Statement to the 2009 World Base Oil and Lubricant Conference.

These are challenging times... how can you gain the insights to face the future?

Through 2008 the global base oils market saw a period of unparalleled volatility and tightness, rivalling that seen in the aftermath of the hurricanes in 2005. Prices sky-rocketed against the backdrop of volatility in upstream markets, while supply issues compounded these price drivers. Scheduled and unscheduled outages and a diversion of feedstock as a result of better economics in the fuels market saw Group I availability globally squeezed with many consumers scrambling for product.

Meanwhile, a raft of new Group III capacity is entering the market at a time when uncertainties over the economic outlook have cast a shadow over the demand outlook for high quality basestocks.

Alongside these issues, the industry continues to face challenges imposed as a result of tighter controls on emissions, higher demands on fuel economy and new fuels uses. Recently, financial volatility has added to the pressures facing the industry.

The ICIS World base oils conference is THE meeting place where global executives meet to exchange views and gain insights on how to move forward to the future. The programme identifies the issues of the day – come and join us to listen and discuss.

Venue: The Royal Lancaster Hotel, London
Date: 19 February 2009 - 20 February 2009
Conference Fees Register Contact
Tel: +44 (0)20 8652 3823
Event URL: